Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Mapboard Lite out for beta testing!

Here's the trailer for Mapboard Lite we released a week ago :

And now, with kind help and support from all of you folks, we have tentatively released Mapboard Lite on Google Play. Here is the link for beta testing:,

Mapboard Lite : Beta testing

Please help us by testing our app. Tell us what you liked, what you didn't and what else you'd like from us... Also, report us of any bugs you encountered while running the app.

Thank you

Monday, 28 December 2015

A Minimalistic Book list for Civil services Exams

 - Compiled with care to ensure quality of content and relevancy to the syllabus.
- Quick-links provided: to read reviews, know the best price and buy it on Amazon. 

-  A quick tip: If it's a book without colorful diagrams, and you have a Kindle device, get Kindle books. 
- Another quick tip : Though some people may prefer to buy entire set of books recommended by various sources on one go, we would like to suggest that you start small. A big stalk of brand new books waiting to be studied might scare you out, if you are still in the newbie phase of civil services preparations.

I. All -Rounders - These are the basics, the foundations and the linking chains.


Make no hurry.

A new book read is a new friend made.Read it deeply. Revise often

1. A Globe - A simple and cheap one will do as fine as a professional and classy one. Get one, look up the countries and the seas, visualize geographical phenomena, trace ancient sea- routes
Get now for the best price

Thursday, 24 December 2015

Mapboard lite User Guide

How to get the best out of Mapboard?

When you go to the Maps page in Mapboard:


Drawing Board Help desk

If you need more help, we are here... Feel free to ask
Have fun drawing maps!
Happy learning!

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Tell Us

We are here for you.
Any help you need with Mapboard lite;
  Any wish you have for learning apps;
Any suggestion to make our apps suit your needs better;

Tell us, please.

Comment on this blog or our facebook page
or send us an email : app.mapboard@gmail.com
or feedback us on Play Store

Our team is small;
  But we'll be there for you, when in need, as soon as possible.


Thank You

Image Credits:

1. Planemad - Wikimedia Commons
CC-by-sa PlaneMad/Wikimedia

2. www.freeworldmap.net

3. www.shadedrelief.com

Our Special Thanks To:

MIT App Inventor
Scott Ferguson, App Inventor Forum, Google groups
Parivarthan - http://iksa.in


Some very special people close to our hearts...

Thank you all

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Why Mapboard? Why Maps?

Why maps?

Maps and globes are the crucial tools for studying geography and other social sciences. Maps are more versatile because they are portable, can be easily replicated and customized.
They help us to visualize, memorize and connect with our studies better.

Why draw them?

You may have a hundred maps in atlases and your books (or your devices). But one map drawn works a hundred times better than one you refer casually. When it come to inspiring curiosity and enhancing your learning experience, their effects are nothing short of miraculous.  Let's say you are studying the Revolt of 1857 in India. When you just read Lucknow, Kanpur, Awadh, Jhansi, Arrah, they'd be some names. But, when you mark them on a blank map of India, you'll get curious and new questions with many a 'why' and 'how' will arise. And answers to them would be truly enlightening.
Also, drawing maps yourself is a tried and tested method for memorizing your subject matters better.

Why Mapboard?

1. Because your old map drawing book had to take a new form, keeping up with modern trends!

2.This way you'll always have it with you, on your phone or tablet. Map them down whenever you want.

3.You need not have to take print outs of blank maps for practicing. Mapboard lite has 8 blank maps, with some natural features marked. Draw as many times you want.

4. You can save maps to your device, share them with friends and upload them to cloud storage or to  other apps you use for studies.

5.It is simple, easy to use and has a beautiful interface.

6. It has a Notebook with search and google search features. You can build a custom directory of key-terms out of it. And it has four eye-friendly themes for a peaceful reading experience.

7. It is here for a cause. A cause and a vision of a prosperous India in a peaceful world. It is the first app in the Happy Learning Series of android apps by Boundless. It is a step towards holistic learning experience for everyone, in which, we believe, lies the key for the future world's happiness. It's a small step. Still, it's a step taken, all the same.
 So, learn with Mapboard and join our cause. Tell us if there is anything we can do for you to make Mapboard a more fulfilling experience.

Get on board, now!

Monday, 7 December 2015


We knew you missed it:

A offline map drawing book on your Android devices:

To practice drawing maps;
   To draw custom maps;
To mark and save the new places you learned about;
  To add notes as you draw;
To share maps with your study circle;
  To refer to as you study;

A simple app to enhance your studies

For students, learning enthusiasts and Indian Civil Services aspirants

Geography, history, ecology and current affairs : one app to connect them all....

Mapboard..... Coming soon.

For the joy of learning